bitfereum is the new internet qoin. if you missed bitqoin and efereum this is your chance.

bitfereum believes that combining the two qoins wif meme we make the ultimate internet qoin.

bitfereum is not related to or connected to bitqoin or efereum in any way.

bitfereum is a hedge agains inflazion just like bitqoin.

with supply locked bitfereum is scare so price will grow up.

bitfereum design so price only go down when sell, so no one sell and price go up!

bitfereum is spekulativ just like all other crypto qoin.

do not spekulativ when buy bitfereum, be confident.

bitfereum wont speculate up or down, just up.

bitfereum uses utility of bitqoin and is useless but useful to have in wallet.

bitfereum can be used as a store of value, money go in and money go up.

bitfereum can be used to trade in for profit, but only when money make rich.

bitfereum has no whale from begin – fairlaunch with no rug, no dev jeet.

everyone can be whale wif bifereum as long as you buy first.

only smart munie enter bitfereum. smart munie only go up.

smart munie buy first, no wait and no sell.